Returns Exchanges

How to Return an Item

Gather the purchases you want to return, along with the original contents and packaging.

Return in Store –

You may return any item purchased on at any Setup Xperts . For faster return processing, please bring your packing slip (if you received one), or your receipt, the credit card used to make your purchase, and a valid photo ID.

Return by Mail via the Carrier of Your Choice –

If you received a packing slip, place the Return Form portion of it in the box with your return. If you did not receive a packing slip, you may get a pre-populated Return Form by looking up your order. If you can’t locate your order, print a blank Return Form and fill it out. Then, place the completed form in the box with your return. Put the return label on the package, add postage and mail it via the carrier of your choice.

Refund Method & Timing

With a few exceptions, we will reimburse you for returned items in the same way you paid for them. If you prefer, you can make an exchange for the same item.

For returns by mail, once we receive your return, we will process it within 2–3 business days. Depending on your bank’s processing time, it may take up to 7 – 10 days after we process the return to reflect on your account.

Any amounts deducted from a gift card will be credited to the gift card. If you no longer have the gift card used for an order, please call us at +1-888-299-5733 with your order number handy, and we’ll be happy to send you a replacement.